Scouting Reports

Trailmaster Craig and a companion hiked up the Rim and Newbury Trails to the north view, taking an inventory of needed erosion control.

Rim Trail needs its yellow blazes re-painted, and a short trail relocation.

Newbury Trail, uphill of Rim Trail, has a flight of ~ 12 stone stairs, then climbs steeply up the fall line, then moderates to a short relo from 2017 and some rock steps. This trail is rough, but because it has many tree roots and winds through ledges and talus, it is not eroding much.Then comes the worklist. This section would benefit from two short sets of rock steps, plus four small rock waterbars. The trail then climbs to an easier grade to the north view.

Two teams of 3 or 4 each are enough to build these fixtures and do any needed trimming in a day.

In the neantime, Highlanders Team Leader Josh hiked up Andrew Brook Trail on Friday to check out the lower trail register. He found that the register had been badly damaged an is unfortunately not reparable. The door sides and part of the roof are torn off. The sign in book has been shredded by animals and strewn all over the place. It was quite a mess.

Josh cleaned up the area and returned to the trailhead. There he saw the trail sign had finally fallen down. It had been held on by one bolt for years…

Since the Andrew Brook Trail falls under the umbrella of the Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway Trail, the MSGTC was informed. They determined that trail register should be removed and not replaced. The trail register up on Lake Solitude would suffice. The register will be fully torn down the next time we are in the neighborhood. Also, a new trailhead sign is in the works.


Compiled by Wes tucker

CHVTC Web Minion/Vice President

Andrew Brook Trail Register; a tired old soldier.