Bob Sawyer! And Other News.

photo by Jack van Hoff

Congratulations to Team Leader Bob for getting recertified by the state of NH as a chainsawer. Bob took part in the state's chainsaw safety course on Saturday and passed with flying colors. He is now certified for the next 3 years. Well done! So if you catch a whiff of chainsaw exhaust and bar oil next time you're on one of our trails, you'll know Bob was nearby.

Also, Trail Master Craig has been spending time with the Monadnock - Sunapee Greenway crew, teaching them how to build rock water bars and drainages. He has also been busy clearing out all the drains on Cole Pond and West Ridge trails. So those trails are now ready to be put to bed for the winter.

And speaking of putting trails to bed for the winter, it's that time of year when we send our crews out to clear all the autumn leaves from the trail drains. So keep your eyes peeled for coming worktrip notices for such work. Hope to see you there!

Wes Tucker
CHVTC Web Minion / VP
