Posts by cardiganhighlanders
2024: 40th Worklog Summary for Cardigan Highlanders Volunteer Trail Crew
Fourteen volunteers turned out: 12 had and 2 earned their tartans. Our 650 hrs on trails is 136% of the average of the five years pre-covid: 476 hrs. Our admin hrs = 222, outreach hrs = 46. DNCR values vol. labor@ $34.64/hr, so our 918 hr = $31,799.52. We patrolled 19 miles, cleaned 240 drains…
Read MoreSeason Final
Hello Trail Crew, Snow’s on the summit of Cardigan, ice and rain today, 2″ snow for Thanksgiving, then cold… maybe our 2024 field season is over. Our worklog has 837 hours, we add 96 more by the web minion plus 7 for the worklog summary, for 950 hours. Our field season is April Fool’s to…
Read MoreNews From Our Trails
We have enjoyed these last 12 weeks or so of warm temps and almost no rain. Here is a snapshot of what we did with the trailwork time we had, among other life chores and fun. We raked 208 drains after winds blew all the leaves off the trees. They filled drains to a depth…
Read More10/22/24: Blazing Skyland
Yesterday Steve D. and I, TM Craig, hiked from Alexandria 4 Corners west on Skyland Trail. Hiking was slowed by fallen leaves that hide hazards like roots, rocks, limbs on the path etc., but in an hour we reached the col between Brown Mtn. and Church Mtn. After lunch we poured white paint into a…
Read More10/12/24: Andrew Brook Trail Drain & Step Work
On Saturday October 12th Highlander’s Bob, Josh, Scott, Ben, and Craig ascended Andrew Brook Trail armed with shovels, picks, 10 lb. rock bars, caution tape, and surveyors tape to a drainage area a short distance above the third brook crossing. We created a detour route around our work area using safety orange surveyors’ tape to…
Read MoreSat 10/5: Return to Winslow Trail on Mount Kearsrge
Chuck and Ben. Hey, you would be a little blurry too after setting 10 rock steps & pavers like they just did. So, to begin with a little background: Monday morning 9/23 I stopped at DNCR HQ in Concord, showed a photo of the birch leaner to my boss, the manager of volunteers, and asked…
Read MoreWest Ridge Trail, Friday 10/4
We carried on with making the trail more user-friendly, and closing herd paths. We worked downhill from where we stopped last time, 9/6. Our team was two, Steve P. and TM Craig. We hiked up slowly because we did outreach to curious hikers, passed out our cards, etc. After break at 11ish we tackled the…
Read MoreSat 9/21: Workday on Winslow Trail, Mount Kearsarge
Last Saturday saw five of us 0.4 miles up Winslow Trail, .where we built 1 12-rock staircase in 2021 and a safer brook crossing with rock steps in 2022. We are continuing down the inventory from the last day we built there, 8/19/2023 (see HERE). We met at 0900, signed the waiver, took tools and…
Read MoreSat. 9/14: A Blazing Afternoon on South Ridge Trail
Having perfect weather but a start time of 1100 from the state park or West Ridge trailhead, I hiked steadily up to Rimrock before 1400, and after lunch blazed northerly towards South Peak. All the old blazes got fresh paint, plus another 10-12 trees that have grown big enough to take a blaze on their…
Read MoreSkyland: A Tale of Two Teams
On the morning of Sunday September 8th, Cardigan Highlanders met at the crossroads known as Alexandria Four Corners to work on the far southeastern end of Mount Cardigan’s Skyland Trail. There was a lot of work to be done so they formed into two independent teams. One team formed a long range patrol that focused…
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