2024: 40th Worklog Summary for Cardigan Highlanders Volunteer Trail Crew

7/28/24 Newbrt Trail brushing & clearing

Fourteen volunteers turned out: 12 had and 2 earned their tartans.  Our 650 hrs on trails is 136% of the  average of the five years pre-covid: 476 hrs.  Our admin hrs = 222, outreach hrs = 46.  DNCR values vol. labor@ $34.64/hr, so our 918 hr = $31,799.52.

We patrolled 19 miles, cleaned 240 drains in Spring and raked 208 in Fall, cut 36 blowdowns, trimmed branches and used slash plus blowdowns as barricade beside trails. We set 44 paver stones/rock steps, blazed 4.3 miles + 6 blaze boards, replaced 2 log steps/waterbars, added 2 rock waterbars.

On Mt. Cardigan State Forest, 15 blowdowns                                                                                               - West Ridge Trail, 60 drains x 2, 1 blowdown.  R&R 2 log steps, add 13 pavers, move 800-lb rock off trail. 112 hours.

  • South Ridge Trail, 15 drains. Blaze WHITE Rimrock – summit Cardigan (including Clark Trail). 20 hours.
  • Ranger Cabin Trail, 2 hours.
  • Mowglis Trail, 6 blowdowns, Blaze WHITE, Orange Cove – summit Cardigan. 9 blaze poles @ Firescrew. 47 hours.
  • Skyland Trail, 8 blowdowns, brushed. Blazed WHITE Alexandria Four Corners – jct Woodland Trail. 60 hours.
  • Total: 241 hours.

On Mt. Sunapee State Park, 20 blowdowns.

  • Andrew Brook Trail, 42 drains x2.  Above 3rd Xing, 16 pavers. 122 hours.
  • Solitude Trail. 2 hours.
  • Newbury Trail, 32 drains x 2, 12 blowdowns.  Brushed. 80 hours.
  • Rim Trail, 24 drains x 2. 6 hours.
  • Total: 210 hours.

On Mt. Kearsarge State Forest (Rollins SP, Winslow SP) 2 blowdowns.

  • Winslow Trail, 30 drains x 2.  6 blaze boards RED, 10 yard ditch, above ½ way barricade, 3 rock steps,12 pavers on 20 yard relocation. 117 hours.
  • Rollins Trail, 20 drains. 2 hours.
  • Total: 119 hours.

On Cole Pond Trail, Enfield NH, for NH F&G. 21 drains x 2. 1 rock waterbar.

  • Total: 10 hours.

For Shaker Museum, Enfield, 14’ PT bridge, from USFS specs, by CHVTC.

  • Total: 70 hours.

Total Hours On Trails:  650 hours.

Outreach hrs: Moose Mtn. Tr. Relo? 3 hr.  MSAC 2 hr. Andrew Brook Tr.,1st Xing, bridge for SPNHF? 11 hr. Northern RR Tr. riprap 3 hr. Trescott @ Hanover, 19’bridge 2017 1 hr. MSGTC rock waterbar class 10/18,11/2  8 hr.  Waterman NE Alpine Stewards Conference @ Crawford’s 4 hr. Total: 46 hours.

Admin hrs: DNCR - 2 hr. NH F&L @ Orange NH - 1 hr. Cole Pond map by W.T. - 80 hr. Emails - 7 hr. 10 CHVTC attenees @ annual mtg 20 hr. Drive New Colony Rd - 1 hr. Tools: ~ 160 temp blazes - 4 hr.  8’ blaze poles WHITE 10 @Firescrew - 7 hr. Sawyer re-cert safety class by DNCR - 8 hr. Webwright @ 8 hr/month = 96 hr.

  • Total: 222 hours.

We didn’t check off many items from the worklist we carried over from 2023, but we made much good progress on the sites we did work on. Those changed over the season, this is always a work in progress, neverfinished. What counts is the people on and trying this crew. Their skill set is varied indeed. We need every oneof them at some time or other. We critique and plan over the winter, so that in April we can set out again, knowing we still strive to live up to our culture and our mission. “One for all, all for one,” as they say.

I will forbear from the usual toasts in Scots, or blessings in the Gaelic. You’ve seen them, and they are betterin company anyway. However, I remain most grateful for everyone who gives of their time and themselves.


Respectfully submitted,

Craig Sanborn,  CHVTCTrailmaster