Spring Patrols and Season Prospects

Gentle readers, it is time for a wee update on the crew and the trails (here insert usual warning not to cause more erosion, so please do not hike on muddy trails, thank you).

The crew held their annual meeting on March 25. Possibly the most consequential decision was to further encourage volunteers who have earned their tartans to apply to be team leaders. Per the SOP, such are appointed by the trailmaster after an interview and briefing on leadership and procedures. More team leaders means more trails we can work on on any given day.

As trails become accessible, we patrol them for blowdowns, drain-raking, and future repairs. So far. that is Cole Pond Trail 4/21, Newbury Trail and Rim Trail 4/26, Rollins Trail
4/27. The gate is open so we can reach Winslow Trail, but the trail is still very muddy with thick ice on ledges (north aspect of mountain, no surprise) Winslow Trail is soon, and the road crew will open the gate for Cardigan soon too. Only a few black flies so far, and too cold for them to bite...this week Emoji.

Besides patrolling, there is a typical list of work to keep us busy. So far it is a day adding rocks on Cole Pond, two relocations on Newbury, one on Rim, 1/4 mile of better erosion control on Rollins, better revetting and pavers on Winslow, 60 yd. sidehilling on S. Ridge Tr.

At present we are patrolling as weather and crew is available. We'll have the first of our regular scheduled 3rd Saturdays on May 20.

Please contact me: workdays by appointment, willing workers welcome. Thank you.

Craig Sanborn, CHVTC Trailmaster

Dave clearing drains on the Rollins Trail