2024 Mid-Season Update

Greetings trail crew,

Halfway through our season, and there is some news:

1) The 3-year DNCR safety certification for our volunteer sawyers expired on June 10, along with that for ~60 others who work for NH State Parks.
The Volunteer Program Manager is working to get another such class offered.

2) Meantime, we have plenty of jobs on other hills. In particular:

2A) West Ridge Trail, Mt. Cardigan. Many small jobs: R&R broken woodwork, dig some drains better, rake ~20 drains, add some waterbars, barricade herd paths. Most work less than a mile up from trailhead.

2B) Winslow Trail, Mt Kearsarge. !0 of 17 items from list 8/19/23 still to do, a few more added among them. Herd paths to fix near alpine zone.

2C) Skyland Trail, Mt Cardigan. A colleague has mapped several blowdowns, and the trail needs to be trimmed and blazed. 6 mi., long range patrol.

2D) Mowglis Trail, Mt Cardigan. Trim branches, brush in alpine zone. 10 blaze poles prepped for tying to trees there, plus brushing so trees can take blazes. May need to blaze entire trail. One-way of up to two miles from road. Long range patrol team would be very helpful.

3) Monadnock Trails Week is September 6-8. We have free camping 9/6-7. We are signed up for building fixtures, up to a mile from road.
I'll send the sign-up on to each of you. If you sign up as a Cardigan Highlander, please write that on your form so they know how many of us they have.

4) Maybe a bridge job on Andrew Brook Trail at the 1st crossing. I will meet the landowner or conservation commission. They buy, we build.

5) Any other ideas you have, We still have a relo or two on the back burner, but what do you think?

Yours, Craig