What We've Been Up To!
Sunday in the Park with Craig, Bob, Scott, and Ben… but no George
Last Sunday, four Highlanders drove up to Rollins State Park. They all walked up to the summit of Mount Kearsargr via the Rollins Treail. On the way they added two blaze prepped boards, re-painted a few more blazes, barricaded a herd path, and enjoyed the view from the top. A graffiti “artist” seems to have…
Read More7/7 0n Andrew Brook Trail: They did it! Trail is brushed, blazed, & drains raked.
We hosted a YMCA crew of 10 teenagers, all 16 y.o., and two adult leaders on Andrew Brook Trail on Mt. Sunapee. It takes some time to drive them to that trailhead, drive their van around the mountain to the ski area, drive their driver back to the trailhead, brief them on safe and proper…
Read MoreDitching Work and Rocking Out on the Rollins Trail
It is pleasant to report that our turnout this past Saturday (6/25) was more than replied! Three replied, five appeared on time, and we brought tools enough for all to keep working as planned except at breaks. We dug 65 yards of ditch, plus set two pavers, two rocks to finish a waterbar, and a…
Read MoreHighlanders Featured in Valley News
A recent article publish in Valley News prominently featured the CHVTC and the work we do. The Valley News is the daily newspaper and website serving the Upper Valley region of Vermont and New Hampshire. We would like to thank them for their interest in our work and in the work of other small but…
Read MoreMt. Sunapee: Ride Up, Work Down
On June 18th, four of us rode the chairlift to Mt Sunapee summit, and then hiked over to the White Ledges for lunch. We stopped to clean a waterbar we built three years ago for our friends of MSGTC. After lunch we hiked down Andrew Brook Trail, cleaning drains and adding barricade as we went.…
Read MoreFriday 5/13: Lucky Day on Cole Pond Trail
So, three of us turned out on Bog Road at 0900. We lugged the kit of PT 0.8 miles up Cole Pond Trail, and set the 2′ long split hemlock left over from 2017 as sills. We then built the eighth bog bridge on that stretch of mud to the same specs as the earlier…
Read MoreSat 5/7: Spring Patrol Cardigan Trails
Five of us turned out on Mt. Cardigan this morning. We decided to be a waterbar team of two, and a Spring patrol of three. Nick accepted an appointment as acting team leader for the patrol. He led Chuck and Chris from Cliff’s Bridge to Ranger Cabin Trail to South Ridge Trail to Rimrock to…
Read MoreNHPR Radio Field Trip
Back in 2018, NH Public Radio joined the Highlanders crew on a spring patrol of the Andrew Brook Trail. It’s been a few years but it still holds up well. Here is their report. Enjoy! Spring patrols are starting up now. To get involved check out the Projects Page.
Read More2021 DNCR Volunteer Program Annual Report
Greetings Trail Crew and Friends, Here is yet another year where we may take satisfaction and pride in our work. As you’ll note in our previous 2021 summary worklog post, you carried on in spite of difficult conditions, and the photos there show what good work you do. Here’s to another good season in 2022!…
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