
What We've Been Up To!

Hiking Above Treeline: Coloring Inside the Lines

By Wes Tucker | Aug 20, 2021

By Wes Tucker I once saw a book titled, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. The same thing could be said about hiking above treeline, because it’s all about staying inside the lines and connecting the dots. I’m sure most of you are aware that as you climb higher up in…

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Sat 8/7: Cardigan West Ridge Trail \ Cliff’s Bridge

By Wes Tucker | Aug 13, 2021

by Scott MacFaden We had a good day on the trail. Conditions were somewhat muggy but not oppressive, and many folks were out enjoying a fine August day on mighty Mt. Cardigan. Numerous hikers expressed their thanks to the crew for its decades of service to the trails on Cardigan, and it is gratifying to…

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7/31/21: Mount Kearsarge Step-by-Step

By Wes Tucker | Aug 2, 2021

Saturday’s cool dry weather was a delight after weeks of tropical rain and smoky haze (3rd rainiest month at Concord since 1869!). About 1000 we four lugged rock bars and picks and shovels, up Winslow Trail about 0.4 miles, briefly discussing trail fixtures we crossed. We soon came to our worksite, a gully in soil,…

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Camp Highlander on the Newbury Trail

By Wes Tucker | Jul 20, 2021

On Friday July 16, the Highlanders teamed up with a group from a local summer camp to brush out the Newbury Trail on Mount Sunapee. 11 campers, all 15-16 years old, were accompanied by 3 camp counselors, and supervised by CHVTC leaders Craig Sanborn and Bob Humphrey. Due to the July heat, safety for all…

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Andrew Brook From the Top Down, Sat., 10 July

By Wes Tucker | Jul 12, 2021

by Craig Sanborn We made it a leisurely day, thus a relaxed day. At 0900 we five met at the Mt Sunapee ski area. At 1000 we were the first ones riding the chairlift uphill on our comp tickets (hanks to the Resort). By 1115 we arrived at White Ledges above Lake Solitude for a…

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Cole Pond Trail, Enfield NH, Sat 6/26

By Wes Tucker | Jun 30, 2021

by Craig Sanborn Today saw three of us on Cole Pond Trail for five hours. It was humid, but cool enough under the leaf canopy. We added four paver rocks, two more rocks just below the berm of a waterbar to hold that soil in place and give a better step for hikers than the…

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Photo by Jack van Hoff

Mitigating Erosion and a 24″ Surprise

By Wes Tucker | Jun 28, 2021

The pandemic has receded this spring, the NH State Bird aka the black fly has outlived its usefulness and gone home till next year, and the trail crew is fixing trails damaged by heavy use and normal wear and tear. On June 18-19, four of us turned out for six hours each day. It felt…

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NH State Parks Volunteer Program 2020 Annual Report

By Wes Tucker | May 17, 2021

Thanks to your efforts, CHVTC figures rather prominently in this report from NH Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (DNCR).  Thanks again to all our volunteers, and Well Done!

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2020: 36th Worklog Summary

By Wes Tucker | May 16, 2021

“The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley.” – Burns, To a Mouse, 1785. The covid pandemic has forced us all to change plans. Most trails had 2x the hikers with but ½ the crew to fix their impacts and tend trail. Eleven volunteers worked on CHVTC. Their 429 hr on trails is…

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