Posts by Wes Tucker
CHVTC 2025 Job List (so far)
Trailmaster Craig has released his wish list for the 2025 trailwork season. Of course we’ll have all our usual Level 1 maintenance work to do; Spring patrols, clearing blowdowns and drains, brushing, touching up blazes, and such. This list of Level 2 projects, building fixtures, steps, waterbars, etc., requires more planning and specialized skills. Equal…
Read MoreBob Sawyer! And Other News.
Congratulations to Team Leader Bob for getting recertified by the state of NH as a chainsawer. Bob took part in the state’s chainsaw safety course on Saturday and passed with flying colors. He is now certified for the next 3 years. Well done! So if you catch a whiff of chainsaw exhaust and bar oil…
Read MoreA Sign of Things to Come
Last July, after many long years of service, the trailhead sign at Mount Sunapee’s Andrew Brook Trail was found lying on the ground. The sign had passed on. The sign was no more. It had ceased to be. It expired and gone to meet its maker. It’s a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in…
Read MoreMount Cardigan: Cleanup On Mowglis
On August 3 & 4, Highlander Team Leader Josh took the initiative to check off one of the jobs on our to-do list. Starting north of the mountain on Sculptured Rocks Road, he hiked up Mowglis Trail to check on how it was doing. At the jct. of the Orange Cove Trail, he found it…
Read MoreScouting Reports
Trailmaster Craig and a companion hiked up the Rim and Newbury Trails to the north view, taking an inventory of needed erosion control. Rim Trail needs its yellow blazes re-painted, and a short trail relocation. Newbury Trail, uphill of Rim Trail, has a flight of ~ 12 stone stairs, then climbs steeply up the fall…
Read MoreSeason Starts Soon…
Hello Trail Crew, We seem to have made it through this would-be winter with not much snow but five mud seasons. Snow’s about melted, we can start patrolling trails. This note is just to say that we’ll start soon, but conditions are not quite ready. Gates are still across roads at Cardigan and at Kearsarge.…
Read MoreAnatomy of a Spring Patrol
By Wes Tucker Anybody who has spent time in New Hampshire knows that there are more seasons than just the basic four. The spring thaw is followed by mud season. Then fast on it’s heels comes black fly season. But wedged in between them is a brief window of time that Cardigan Highlanders call spring…
Read MoreNew Trail Map!
Cardigan Highlanders is proud to present our new Cole Pond Trail Map. This often overlooked hiking trail has been in need of an accurate trail map for a long time. Using the latest USGS topo map as a base, we incorporated USGS data, GPS tracks, and on-the-ground observations to get the trail as accurate as…
Read MoreWinter Solitude
Under the guise of scouting trail condions on Mount Sunapee, but really just wanting to take a hike, Team Leader Josh sent us this image from White Ledge above Lake Solitude. He noted a few blowdowns to be cleared in the Spring, but the trail is orherwise in pretty good shape. Looking at this picture…
Read More“Now Our Hikers Know It’s 1.2 Miles”
The trailwork season might be officially over, but that isn’t stopping our crew from tidying up some loose ends. On 12/10, crew member Josh hiked up to Lake Solitude on Mount Sunapee to install a new trail sign. Hiking through the rain, snow, and high water, he monted the replacement sign at the junction of…
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