
What We've Been Up To!

CHVTC Annual Meeting 2024

By cardiganhighlanders | Mar 10, 2024

The crew held their annual meeting on Saturday March 9 2024. All seven Directors attended, strengthened by three interested volunteers. They approved the 2023 minutes and heard the President report. The treasury is healthy thanks to appealing to large donors by the President and the Trailmaster. Convincing them to unlimber their checkbooks is greatly helped…

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Winter Solitude

By Wes Tucker | Feb 12, 2024

Under the guise of scouting trail condions on Mount Sunapee, but really just wanting to take a hike, Team Leader Josh sent us this image from White Ledge above Lake Solitude. He noted a few blowdowns to be cleared in the Spring, but the trail is orherwise in pretty good shape. Looking at this picture…

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2023: 39th Worklog Summary for CHVTC

By cardiganhighlanders | Dec 22, 2023

Seventeen volunteers turned out: 13 had and 1 earned their tartan. The 532 hours on trails is 111% of the average of the last 5 years pre-covid: 476 hrs. Our admin hrs = 168, outreach not trailwork = 54 hr, Total hrs = 754. DNCR values our work at $31.80/hr, so that is $23,977.20. We…

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Dec 10, 23 New Sign

“Now Our Hikers Know It’s 1.2 Miles”

By Wes Tucker | Dec 13, 2023

The trailwork season might be officially over, but that isn’t stopping our crew from tidying up some loose ends. On 12/10, crew member Josh hiked up to Lake Solitude on Mount Sunapee to install a new trail sign. Hiking through the rain, snow, and high water, he monted the replacement sign at the junction of…

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Late Fall Raking

By cardiganhighlanders | Nov 22, 2023

Yesterday I raked 23 drains from the 2nd up to the 3rd crossing of Andrew Brook. Leaves are now dry and light, so patient work with a rake gives very good results. work time – 4 hours Also: – Andrew Brook Tr up to 2nd xing, 9 drains, 11/11: 3 hours – Cole Pd Tr…

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10/13/23 Bicknell Brook Trail Bridge

10/13/23: Bicknell Brook Trail Bridge, Enfield Volunteer Trail Crew.

By cardiganhighlanders | Oct 16, 2023

This job was about 6 hours of dragging beams and toting tools and actual assembly by three of us, but about another 12 hours of dragging some of the materials, purchasing, cutting and prepping the pressure treated lumber, design, more dragging by people who could not attend, appropriations from the Conservation Commission, storing lumber at…

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10/4/23 Bicknell Brook Trail, Enfield NH

10/4/23: Bicknell Brook Trail, Enfield NH

By cardiganhighlanders | Oct 7, 2023

And now, something a little different: The Enfield Selectboard appointed me as Trailmaster for that town. They tend three trails on different parcels owned by the Town. The monsoon season of ’23 (June 9 – Sept 19 20″ rain) slowed trailwork everywhere, but sites got measured and plans made in spite of the weather. Now…

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Oct. 1, 2023 Solitude Trail

10/1/23: Solitude Trail Rock Steps in Gully

By cardiganhighlanders | Oct 2, 2023

Solitude Trail runs southeast from Mt. Sunapee summit down to the west shore of Lake Solitude, where it ends at the junction with Andrew Brook Trail. The Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway continues south from there. Solitude Trail follows a southerly route atop the ridge joining the summit and the White Ledges, then turns east and climbs by…

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9/21: Barlow Trail, Blaze for Winter at Treeline

By cardiganhighlanders | Sep 23, 2023

Barlow Trail climbs Mt. Kearsarge from Winslow State Park 1115′ in 1.6 miles. It was laid out by Don Davis of NH State Parks, and built by Trailwrights Inc. in 1997. The trail ascends easterly before it bends southerly to climb more moderate grades on the north ridge of the mountain. 0.2 miles before it…

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